Although some sections of this application have the option ‘prefer not to answer’, all fields marked with an asterisk* are mandatory so please ensure you read through the application carefully. We keep all information you give confidential and it will only be used by us and our contractors and partners to supply and monitor our services to you.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam ac urna tincidunt, iaculis justo eu, commodo ex. Vestibulum risus magna, aliquam sit amet semper a, porttitor ut nisi. Vestibulum eget massa turpis. Quisque ac arcu urna. Donec finibus consequat urna eget accumsan. Fusce id porttitor ipsum. Aenean malesuada elit et varius congue. Duis viverra congue magna. Donec elementum, sapien sit amet dapibus dictum, sem enim aliquam nisi, in pretium nunc lacus ac velit.
Please give details of all persons who will be living with you at your new property. If you have overnight access to children who live with you and you are not their parent please also include them in the table below
When entering your income details please give the amount you receive per month before deductions (i.e. the amount you receive before tax or national insurance is taken away). If you have more than two jobs, paid or unpaid, please use a separate piece of paper to list them. As part of our application process your information will be shared with ccha’s specialist Welfare & Debt Advice Officer who will assess if you can afford the property now and in the future. Our Welfare & Debt Advice Service is a free service available to ccha tenants at any time
ccha are committed to making sure our services fit peoples needs and recognise the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 including race, gender, gender reassignment, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief and age.
You answered No, please specify what were you looking for?
Thank you for your feedback!