
GoDigital with ccha

Welcome to ccha’s GoDigital page. This page will tell you everything you need to know about the work we are doing to improve our digital offer for customers and the changes we are making to our digital services and system.

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‘Going digital’ is a process that ccha are taking part in to ensure our customers can engage with us digitally. We will be improving our systems to support our customers more efficiently.

It is important to us that our customers feel supported. Improvements in our digital services can ensure that you can contact us in a way that is fast, simple and more convenient for you.

By offering digital methods of communication, we can share information and resolve any issues for you quicker. It also means that you’re more in control of your data through the customer portal. By reducing paper-based communications, the savings made can be reinvested back into services that are needed most.

We want to be able to communicate digitally with as many customers as possible. It’s a much faster method of communication and more cost effective.

Using the digital portal will enable you to change your details, view your rent account and make rent payments. You can access the portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will be making regular updates and we will let you know when extra services are available.

Our website also offers ways of communicating with us digitally. We have contact forms you can use to:

You will need to register on the myccha portal before you can access the online services. It’s easy to set up and you only need to do it once.

Download our leaflet to give you a step by step guide for how to create your account.

If you need further help, or help creating an email address, you can call Sam on 0800 054 6710 or send an email to samm@ccha.biz.

No. However we strongly recommend that you set one up if you don’t have one. If you need to reset your password or want to contact us, emailing is the quickest way.

We can also send you letters, our resident newsletter and any other customer information if we have your email address. This will reduce the amount of paper used and ensure you are updated on our services quickly.

Call Sam on 0800 054 6710 if you need help setting up an email address.

Yes! You don’t need to be registered on the myccha portal to receive information over email.

If you want to update your details with an email address you can call is on 0800 054 6710 or email us customers@ccha.biz. Don’t forgot to include your address and account number.

If you’d like to receive updates over email, our resident newsletter and other publications, you can also sign up to our mailing list

If you’d like to receive our monthly Jobs & Training Bulletin, you can sign up now.

If you need any help, our Marketing Administrator, Sam, is here to help. You can call 0800 054 6710 or send an email to samm@ccha.co.uk.

We can take you through the steps to set up your account or create an email address.

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