ccha is now an official adopter of Together with Tenants.
The charter was developed by the National Housing Federation (NHF) with many housing organisations and customers from across the country. It aims to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing organisations.
The charter contains 6 commitments which are:
- Relationships: Housing associations will treat all residents with respect in all of their interactions. Relationships between residents and housing associations will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.
- Communication: Residents will receive clear, accessible and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them, including important information about their homes and local community, how the organization is working to address problems, how the organization is run, and information about performance on key issues.
- Voice and influence: Housing associations will seek and value the views of residents, and will use this information to inform decisions. Every individual resident will feel listened to by their housing association on the issues that matter to them and can speak without fear.
- Accountability: Collectively, residents will work in partnership with their housing association to independently scrutinize and hold their housing association to account for the decisions that affect the quality of their homes and services.
- Quality: Residents can expect their homes to be good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.
- When things go wrong: Residents will have simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaints and seeking redress. Residents will receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Housing associations will be inclusive organisations which seek views from all groups. Approaches to resident involvement will be inclusive by engaging with residents from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Consultations with residents will include outreach to underrepresented communities, including through
targeted communications.
We encourage residents to share your thoughts on the charter and how we can deliver on these commitments. Please fill out the below form which our Customer Service Advisors will review and take on board. Alternatively, you can email or call 0800 054 6710 to give your feedback.
Each year we complete a satisfaction survey where we ask residents how satisfied they are with various aspects of ccha’s services. You can find out the results of previous years, which encompass the above commitments.
Take a look at the National Housing Federation’s website, if you would like to find out more about the charter.