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As your landlord, your health and wellbeing are very important to us.

We have produced the following advice in response to the recent outbreak of coronavirus in the UK.

Help to protect from Coronavirus

Take simple precautions to protect yourself from contracting the virus and spreading it to others.

  1. Wash your hands regularly
  2. Sneeze and cough into a tissue
  3. Avoid close contact with people who have a cold or flu
  4. Call or visit online the NHS 111 service if worried about your health

The NHS has issued up-to-date medical advice on its website. For the latest information and guidance, visit

Do I need to tell my landlord if I am self-isolating or have been infected with coronavirus?

You only need to tell us if you were expecting a visit and need to cancel it, for example, you had a home repair booked in or a housing or support officer coming to visit you.

We will rearrange the appointment for a later date, once you are well again and the risk of the virus spreading has passed.

What should I do if my neighbour is infected?

As long as you are not in close contact, the risk should be minimal. NHS advice states that the virus can only survive a short time outside the body. Just make sure you wash your hands regularly and avoid close contact with anyone who is unwell.

If I am unwell in my house or flat, will you deep clean the property?

As long as you follow medical guidance, remain isolated for as long as you are advised and avoid further contact with anyone who has the virus, the risks will be low. For more information about isolation, please visit

Is it safe to visit your offices?

No. In accordance with government guidelines we, aim to limit the spread of Coronavirus. This
means our head office will be closed until further notice.
• Please contact us by phone on:
0800 054 6710 Or through email at:

Please visit the NHS website for the latest safety
information and guidance at:

The NHS has issued up-to-date medical advice on its website. For the latest information and guidance, visit

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